
1、1 全民所有制分支机构 Institution branch owned by the whole people Branch of State-owned organization whole people owned enterprise branch 分析:Insititution 一般指公共团体,事业单位,公共机构,如A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. (教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。

2、 ),归政府所有 organization 则指组织,机构,团体,如non-profit organization 非盈利性机构。

3、 2 上海市工商行政管理局浦东新区分局 Shanghai Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce, Pudong New area sub-bureau (简要翻译) --(参考国家工商行政管理局翻译:The state Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce) Pudong New area sub-bureau of Administration for Industry and Commerce of Shanghai Municipality --(参考广州市工商行政管理局翻译:Administration of Industry and Commerce of Guangzhou Municipality) 以上翻译都可,根据不同部门对翻译的喜好而定。


